(c) 2019 fourniersean Beware of others selling USED smart media, unless you want to lose all your data! CLICK HERE if you want to interface between your Smart Media Card and your Personal Computer EXPAND YOUR STORAGE CAPACITY! TURBOCHARGE YOUR S YSTEM! Extra flash drive capacity allows you to permanently save and load data to and from your computer. Smart media expansion is essential for getting the most out of your application. Here it is, my friends--this Smart Media Upgrade adds an incredible 64MB of permanent flash drive storage capacity to your system. This memory can of course be overwritten when you want to download new material. Here are some general instructions we have on using Flash Media cards: First, it is always best to insert and remove Flash Media with the power off! In Windows, always use "Safely Remove Hardware." This will make your flash memory last a lot longer. Second, if the flash is not recognized by your system, try initializing and/or formatting the card using the instructions in your manual. We sometimes format the flash cards with the Windows FAT file system, but some applications require a different format. Third, if the flash is still not recognized by your system, make sure that you have the latest operating system (OS) installed for your application. Usually, this can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website. Last, always make sure that you back up important data as you would with any other storage media. Thanks for your purchase! Our flash drives and Smart Media are brand new and made by major manufacturers and are guaranteed to work with your system. SINCE ITS INCEPTION IN 1999, fourniersean HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF GIGABYTES OF SAMPLER MEMORY OVER THE INTERNET. WE CARRY MEMORY FOR ALL MAJOR SAMPLERS, SO CHECK OUT OUR OTHER AUCTIONS. ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS! 7 CD WAV SAMPLE LIBRARY HIP HOP DRUM BASS LOOPS GUITAR! S10